Tell me why this has to end oh no lyrics
Tell me why this has to end oh no lyrics

tell me why this has to end oh no lyrics

It's interesting that you learnt this song in Sweden because I see mention that "The song was recorded at Kristiansund, Norway, in 1973." So it seems this song was sung in Scandinavian countries. Though "eeny meeny" is a way we choose who's "It" in games. Mikael - It's my understanding that this is a nonsense rhyme. I have been searching the Internet for the original words and their meaning (someone said "no te vista" is Spanish for "I didn't see you"), but I suppose it's a hopeless quest."

tell me why this has to end oh no lyrics tell me why this has to end oh no lyrics

"My sister taught me this version, 1970-ish, Sweden: (Rope skiddley opey dope, rope skiddley opey dope)Ī bo bo squatten watten notten wotten chowĪ beat Billie oten doten bo bo ba ditten dotten Rope skiddley opey dope, rope skiddley opey dope (Eenie meenie desciminie oo wanna wanna beenie) This is the version as I learned it from my theatre troupe:Įenie meenie desciminie oo wanna wanna beenie My version of the "flea" song from my childhood as I remember it.Įanie meanie ex-meanie ooh wah a-wah meanieīe billy oaten doaten bo bo ba ditten dotten I sing it to my child now and with my friends and I'm now 25!! Wonderful memories."Įscamina sodamina Bigga deeda little deeda badap skalidalota bodop ncshh" The words we used were :īilly oaten boaten bo Bo to beaten botton shhh. "When I was a little girl my dad would sing this with my sister and I while we waited for our mom to get out of the store.

Tell me why this has to end oh no lyrics